How Drones Can Elevate Your Marketing Efforts

Drones Review
5 min readMay 3, 2021


These days, the ever-evolving state of technology has introduced us to a tool that is not only more than capable at showcasing your product’s incredible features but also proves useful when it comes down to marketing and advertising efforts. Drones have been around for centuries, just now are we starting to see their full potential realized in industries such as real estate where they can showcase property from all angles while still maintaining an up close look without disturbing anything on site or disrupting any surrounding areas with loud noise pollution. Drones in marketing offers a new and creative way of showcasing products or properties with amazing footage and images that can be used in marketing strategies.

Learn how they not only showcase your product better than any other type of advertisement because you’re able to capture the audience’s attention more effectively by taking them on an aerial tour rather than showing pictures off from afar, but also provide many safety benefits such as preventing trespassing incidents while monitoring liability risk areas.

What exactly is a drone?

Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UASes) . They are described by some simply as “flying robots.” However, while a lot of people may not know what exactly goes on inside these small copters to make them work, they can generally be controlled remotely with assistance from someone on the ground or operated autonomously through an onboard computer and other equipment that communicates information back-and-forth. Drones typically stay in flight for anywhere between 12 minutes up to 25 minutes when battery upgrades have been installed before take off; however this will depend largely upon weather conditions.

The drone’s footage will fascinate you because it provides a bird’s eye view of scenery that isn’t easily visible from the ground. Your viewers get an all-access pass to an incredible display that your company is sharing with them — which makes aerial shots ideal for show casing projects and construction sites, or just about anything else.

Drones for commercial purposes need proper licensing and authorization. Drone Experts only works with professional drone companies that have been certified, registered, and approved by federal authorities. But as of February 2nd 2016 less than 3 thousand Section 333 exemptions had been granted nationally in order to use drones commercially across America.

How are Drones used in Marketing?

Drones are a powerful marketing tool that can be used to either lead or complement your existing campaigns. Both the drone’s video footage and still images provide dramatic aerial views that are unprecedented when compared to a regular photo shoot from ground-level. These captivating shots add dimension, movement, depth of field — all without being too invasive (or illegal). You may wonder why this is so important for marketers? Well it’s simple: Drones give you high quality content at an affordable price with no risk associated with flight restrictions in certain areas where traditional photography would not work well either because planes fly overhead daily during specific hours or due to restricted airspace around airports and military bases; they also offer more unique angles than what most people get on their smartphones which have limited vantage points. These dramatic images add dimension and movement to your website, print materials, commercials- anything really!

Include drone video footage in your:

  • Blogs
  • Website & landing pages
  • Social media channels
  • Newsletters
  • Digital advertisements
  • Commercials
  • Presentations

Use the drone’s aerial photography for your:

  • Blogs
  • Website
  • Social media channels
  • Newsletters
  • Print materials (brochures, direct mail, flyers, etc.)
  • Trade show displays
  • Outdoor advertisements (billboards, benches, etc.)
  • Environmental branding

The average Internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video, so it’s imperative to use drone footage in your marketing. While the visuals are captivating and engaging for viewers, an experienced agency will also offer tips such as editing content to highlight unique features of your business or how-to videos that simplify complicated processes.

To capture attention and show the potential of your company’s drone footage, consider posting it on social media channels like YouTube. With 8 billion views every day on Facebook alone, this is a creative way to showcase your product. With YouTube being one of the largest search engines in existence today with over 1 billion monthly visits according to Statista’s data and an average daily video views count jumping from 2–8 billion last year alone; this is perfect for showcasing your company’s drone footage! Add Instagram Stories’ 200 million users who watch 100 minutes per day along with Twitter promoted autoplay videos which will keep it visible across all platforms you’re targeting — and there you have yourself not only a creative idea but also something practical that captures attention while at the same time giving these outlets more opportunities.

Which Industries use Drones?

Commercial drones are used in agriculture, real estate and construction among others, and have been increasing rapidly as more industries become aware of the benefits that they offer such as displaying depth or expansiveness where it would otherwise be hard before.

For instance, the media and entertainment industry can use them for filming; wildlife photographers take pictures of animals with their help, while other professions such as architects or farmers could also benefit from having a drone at hand.

Here’s how these devices have helped professionals within different business domains:

  • Media/Entertainment — Drones allow aerial shots that give videos an exciting perspective to make viewers feel more immersed into what they’re watching on screen.
  • Agriculture & Farming — One of the most popular uses is crop mapping due to its ease in getting up close without disturbing plants when taking images
  • Architecture & Construction — Drone footage gives builders accurate dimensions
  • Logistics — Drones are used in the field of logistics for both supply chain delivery and home drone deliveries.
  • Insurance — Drones allow insurance companies to evaluate potential damages to the property.

Drones are the future and it is not a surprise that drones have already affected many fields, including marketing. Marketing companies want to take advantage of this unique advertising platform because it helps them get their product out in a creative way.

Find out about drones, models and more here

